How to Care for Your Dental Bridge

You have your new bridge in place and you’re thrilled to be able to chew, smile, and talk with confidence again. While your bridge contains a prosthetic tooth (or teeth), you still need to care for these replacement teeth.

To help you get the most out of your new dental bridge, Drs. Negar Tehrani and Chang Yi and the rest of the team here at McLean Aura Dentistry pulled together a few tips.

Keeping up with your daily regimen

One of the many benefits of a dental bridge is that it’s a non-removable option for replacing missing teeth, which means you should care for it as you would your surrounding, natural teeth. This means:

  • Brushing twice a day for two minutes each time
  • Rinsing regularly, especially after meals or drinks
  • Flossing at least once a day

While these prosthetic teeth are immune to tooth decay, the same can’t be said of your surrounding teeth, which also act as anchors for your bridge. As well, gum disease can still strike around your dental bridge, which means you still need to pay close attention to your gum health.

We suggest that you use a soft-bristled brush and avoid scrubbing your teeth. Instead, brush gently and thoroughly and be sure to get all the way around your bridge.

Keeping your new teeth white

The prosthetic teeth we use in your bridge are made from porcelain or ceramic, tough materials that mimic the natural coloring of your teeth. While porcelain and ceramic may resist stains better than the enamel on your existing teeth, these materials can still stain, which means you should take steps to minimize discoloration, such as:

  • Rinsing after drinking coffee, tea, or red wine
  • Avoid artificially colored foods and drinks
  • Quitting smoking

Even natural foods, such as berries, can lead to staining, but we don’t want you to miss out on the great health benefits these fruits deliver. When you eat blueberries, for example, consider brushing afterward, or, at least, rinsing.

Safeguarding your bridge against damage

As we mentioned, porcelain and ceramic are tough materials, but they can still crack, chip, and break. To preserve your dental bridge, we suggest you steer clear of foods and behaviors that can damage your bridge, such as:

  • Hard candies
  • Sticky foods like caramel
  • Popcorn
  • Using your teeth as tools (opening packages, etc.)

If you care for your bridge properly, these prosthetic teeth can last for 10, 20, or more years.

See us regularly for cleaning

Lastly, we recommend that you stay on top of your regular, twice-annual, professional dental cleanings with us. These visits allow us to ensure that your bridge is functioning well, to check the health of your existing teeth, to monitor your gums, and, lastly, to give your teeth a great clean and polish.

If you have more questions about caring for your dental bridge, please contact our office in McLean, Virginia, to learn more.

Table of Contents

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